Joe’s Recommended Creek Freak Posts

Joe Linton at the 7th Street Bridge - don't try this at home

My favorite post of my own is How Long is the Los Angeles River? (Warning – I think it’s also my longest Creek Freak piece.)

Other pieces I’ve written that I’d still recommend include:
>Why I, Creek Freak, like bike!
>Places to Visit: Bimini Slough Ecology Park
>Fish in the Los Angeles River (co-authored with Jessica)
>You can never have enough posts about Freshwater Shrimp
and I still recommend some of my earliest writings here – the L.A. River kayaking series: >day1, >day2 and day3.

Articles I didn’t write that I recommend include:
>Throwing the waters, a real throw-down near El Monte
>Peat bog madness in LA
>More on the North Branch of the Arroyo Seco
>Searching for Tom-or Joshua-down in Dominguez
>Eagle Rock in the Rainy Season: A Challenge!
>Why creeks – a personal view
>Springs hope…eternally
>A tree grows on Beaudry: echos of the creeks of Echo Park

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