Is it a pure coincidence…

May 2, 2023 § 3 Comments

Is it a pure coincidence that when you map the storm drains in Los Angeles County, showing the large diameter drains in thicker lines, that it resembles a river system? This image shows some of the 500+ miles of open channel storm drains, and 2,800+ miles of underground storm drains in the County.

§ 3 Responses to Is it a pure coincidence…

  • Marcos says:

    I worked as a land surveyor for a few years. Each time a storm drain is created, things even as small as V ditch are all controlled by hydrology reports created by engineers to insure proper drainage. As it works out, Mother Nature already had it figured out, they copy her lead, hence the river system looking construction

  • TED TRZYNA says:

    How can I get my piece posted? Here it is:

  • Sherry Roberts says:

    I have been a LONG-TIME member of your Creek Freak postings. I am affiliated with The Willows Wetlands in Gardena, CA (approx. 11 miles from downtown LA and is a tributary into the Dominquez Channel) and so love wetlands and rivers and natural waterways.

    I was quite concerned when I read that the EPA removed federal protections for most of our country’s wetlands. WTF is that about? Clean, protected water is a MUST!

    Pretty sure you and your organization already know this, but as a refresher, here, following, is the news on it from Apple.

    What, if anything, does your group have to say about this and what, if anything, do you plan to do? I am there to help however I can. This just makes me sick.

    “EPA removes federal protections for most of the country’s wetlands The amended EPA rule is to comply with a Supreme Court ruling this year that narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act and the agency’s power to regulate waterways and wetlands.

    Read in NPR:”

    Yours in Nature,

    Sherry Roberts

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