Hope takes the 3:10 to Yuma (and the lower Colorado River)

December 1, 2011 § 1 Comment

Speaking of the lower Colorado River, check out this wonderful video giving some historical context, issues and hope:

Click on image for link to video.

The rebound of bird species is particularly notable with this restoration project, where the prior, degraded, condition included filled channels, disconnected wetlands, and a lack of natural flooding resulting in the loss of habitat diversity and a thicket of non-native species.  Reflecting on some local arguments, I see that a combo of hand labor and big machines were used, dredging for floodplains and re-establishment of channels.  Restoring flooding with “industrial style” restoration with adaptive management techniques might not always be so bad after all…

For more info, here’s a slide show and an article in the journal Ecological Restoration.

Thanks to Fred Phillips, a Flagstaff-based landscape architect, who shared this link about his work with me when I went to visit the Friends of the Rio de Flag earlier this year.


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§ One Response to Hope takes the 3:10 to Yuma (and the lower Colorado River)

  • Mike Letteriello says:

    Didn’t look at the video yet, but the slide show was absolutely inspiring.

    Makes me want to visit my cousin in Yuma that much faster so I can tour the area. Odd that lately I was thinking about the Colorado and what shape it was in. The first pics were depressing, but the finish was worth it.

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